"I know why families were created, with all their imperfections. They humanize you. They are made to make you forget yourself occasionally, so that the beautiful balance of life is not destroyed." Anais Nin
Thursday, October 23, 2008
I failed to mention . . .
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Too Short Summer
It seems we're not the only people on the planet that thought summer went by much too quickly. Fall is in full swing now with the mountains full of brilliant color, baseball, hockey, and football every weekend, and of course pumpkins, ghosts and other ghoulish creatures adorning doorsteps throughout the neighborhood.
But before I get too immersed in the wonderful autumn season, I want to take a moment to remember what a great, albeit short, summer we enjoyed. Here are some pics of a few moments I failed to mention when summer was here . . .
Sunny days swimming and goofing off at the club . . .
Caroline and her friends' many baking projects . . .
Ryan's lacrosse games - go Skyline!
A little friend we found in a tree at Liberty Park one afternoon - it's a porcupine!

Spending 4th of July morning with Chris' dad - hiking at Solitude . . . .
That night it was a bbq at the Elggrens and the 4th Annual "Alta Ridge Circle of Fire" - thanks Jay and Tara!"
Sophie and her favorite new friend this summer - Jenny Sandoval
Caroline and tennis coach/friend Tanner Evans
Getting the royal treatment on fireworks night . . . sitting on the field and meeting the players - thanks Terry!
Caroline and friends having a ball at Snowbird . . .

Good-bye dinner with Chris' mom before her she left on her mission to Philly.
after the farewell - we'll miss you Sister Pat!
Pat entered the MTC on September 8th and is having some beautiful experiences on her mission and enjoying all the new people she's meeting in Philidelphia.
Other memories of summer 2008: Ryan and Caroline out practically every night playing night games with friends, Ryan's scout overnighters and especially his trip to Moab to bike Slick Rock, spending afternoons at the club, Bear Lake, Julie's tennis, Liza and Sophie's swim lessons, and the best part of summer with the kids - NO school or schedules!
But before I get too immersed in the wonderful autumn season, I want to take a moment to remember what a great, albeit short, summer we enjoyed. Here are some pics of a few moments I failed to mention when summer was here . . .
Sunny days swimming and goofing off at the club . . .

Other memories of summer 2008: Ryan and Caroline out practically every night playing night games with friends, Ryan's scout overnighters and especially his trip to Moab to bike Slick Rock, spending afternoons at the club, Bear Lake, Julie's tennis, Liza and Sophie's swim lessons, and the best part of summer with the kids - NO school or schedules!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Give one word answers with no explanation, then tag five bloggers with the "i love your blog award"...
1. Where is you cell phone... car
2. Where is your significant other... gym
3. Your hair color... brown
4. Your mother... talented
5. Your father... patient
6. Your favorite thing... nature
7. Your dream last night... sweet
8. Your dream goal... travel
9. Room you're in... office
10. Your hobby... tennis
11. Your fear... spiders
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years... organized
13. Where were you last night... home
14. What you're not... cautious
15. One of your wish-list items... furniture
16. Where you grew up... Bountiful
17. The last thing you ate... popcorn
18. What are you wearing... t-shirt
19. Your tv... off
20. Your pet... Daisie
21. Your computer... distraction
22. Your mood... mellow
23. Missing someone... always
24. Your car... Beast
25. Something you"re not wearing... jewelry
26. Favorite store... Costco
27. Your summer... lovely
28. Love someone... family
29. Your favorite color... blue
30. Last time you laughed... friend
31. Last time you cried...personal
OK, I'm tagging: Adrienne (because it's high time you put something on your blog!!), Carrie, Linda, Sister Pat, and Katie C.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Only four months . . .
Oh this is classic . . . are they really building a SNOWMAN before narrowing down their Halloween costume choices?
Friday, October 10, 2008

"Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves."
- John Muir-
September 21st
Then . . .
Now . . .
Has it really been 17 years?! After looking at these pics side by side I believe there has been some improvement during those years :-). I'm finally back on the blogging bandwagon and wanted to mention our years together as "JulieandChris." It's been a good run and I'm blessed to have Chris by my side. Like many couples, we compliment each other quite nicely - my "yin" to his "yang." For Example, last month Chris came home from work and said, "I never even noticed the sunflowers until I read about them on your blog." My response: "What?? Are you kidding, they are everywhere, how can you NOT miss them?!" Then I remembered about a week before when Chris asked, "When are you going to clean the mud off Liza's boots and bring them inside? I believe they've been on the steps for over a month now." My response: "Really?? I never noticed."
So, there you have it - "JulieandChris" in a nutshell . . . he notices the practical, I, the ethereal . . . and it's worked out quite well over the years. Love ya Chris!

So, there you have it - "JulieandChris" in a nutshell . . . he notices the practical, I, the ethereal . . . and it's worked out quite well over the years. Love ya Chris!
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