Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I was tagged today by my dear friend and neighbor from Provo, so here goes -

Give one word answers with no explanation, then tag five bloggers with the "i love your blog award"...

1. Where is you cell phone... car

2. Where is your significant other... gym

3. Your hair color... brown

4. Your mother... talented

5. Your father... patient

6. Your favorite thing... nature

7. Your dream last night... sweet

8. Your dream goal... travel

9. Room you're in... office

10. Your hobby... tennis

11. Your fear... spiders

12. Where do you want to be in 6 years... organized

13. Where were you last night... home

14. What you're not... cautious

15. One of your wish-list items... furniture

16. Where you grew up... Bountiful

17. The last thing you ate... popcorn

18. What are you wearing... t-shirt

19. Your tv... off

20. Your pet... Daisie

21. Your computer... distraction

22. Your mood... mellow

23. Missing someone... always

24. Your car... Beast

25. Something you"re not wearing... jewelry

26. Favorite store... Costco

27. Your summer... lovely

28. Love someone... family

29. Your favorite color... blue

30. Last time you laughed... friend

31. Last time you cried...personal

OK, I'm tagging: Adrienne (because it's high time you put something on your blog!!), Carrie, Linda, Sister Pat, and Katie C.


lyn. said...

It seems that I remember furniture being on your wish list when you were here in Provo, too... LOL

P.S. Yes, I love that blogs let us keep in touch with each other! I just wish I knew if more old friends had blogs...

The most impactful [word?] books I've read lately were The Peacegiver and The Holy Secret both by James L. Ferrell...

AD said...

Ha! Yes, it is time I post on my blog. Thank you for the incentive! Wow............it has been a couple of months......or a few months.