Monday, October 19, 2009

Honest answer

Sophie, always the one to ask whatever is on her mind, while watching me prepare Sunday dinner today, looked directly at me and thoughtfully asked, "is it hard being a mom?" I didn't even think before realizing how brutally honest my answer sounded. "No, not at all, I love being a mom . . . it's harder being a wife." Her eyes flashed instant understanding and she responded, "ahhh, ya, that makes sense," and skipped off with the knowledge that she's loved and even if things sometimes aren't perfect, it's not because I don't love her or the fact that I'm a mom.

I'm not sure if I should have blurted out such a statement to my 8-year old, but I'm thinking it's alright, that our children need to feel confident in my feelings towards them, my feelings about motherhood, and even sometimes embracing those honest moments to let them know that marriage is hard work and when they feel a little tension, they can feel assured that it's not them.


lyn. said...

You are one of the best Moms I know...

Marti said...

Really, you are a great mom. Those kids are SO lucky.

Kelly said...

I love you, Julie.

Kristin said...

seriously, my first thought was, Hell yes it's hard! LOL. of course you had the opposite response! but, I'm w/ you on the wife thing! LOL.