Monday, March 30, 2009


Apparently my March calendar has run me into the ground. Doubt it, but whatever it is that I've got is nasty and the house is a mess, and the snow just won't stop (even if it IS freaking March 30th), but I'm grateful for Chris who stayed home today so I could get my sorry self into the doctor for needed drugs and watch Elizabeth so I could rest. Me, rest? Yes, almost a full week of doing nothing and I'm miserable . . . cooped up and no energy to do anything inside the house, and no energy to get outside - bleah with a capital "B!"


lyn. said...

I hope the meds work quickly, because your calendar says you have a ski date on Thursday...

And I hear the snow is great!!

Michelle said...

Julie, it must be bad if it's stopping you! Hope you feel better soon!

gina said...

Hope you are feeling better.