"I know why families were created, with all their imperfections. They humanize you. They are made to make you forget yourself occasionally, so that the beautiful balance of life is not destroyed." Anais Nin
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Need a smile?
Chris sent this to me today and it's just one of those things that makes you grin ear to ear (he knows I'm a sucker for anything sweet and romantic) - enjoy!
Friday, May 15, 2009
May MADNESS . . .
Mother's Day pre-school program ~ 2nd Grade informance ~ soccer practices ~ soccer games ~ ballet dress-rehearsals ~ ballet performances ~ Elementary fun run ~ Student Body Officer elections ~ 6th grade country fair ~ field trips ~ 2nd grade Opera ~ Piano recital ~ Jr. tennis tournament ~ LAX practices ~ LAX games ~ Pre-school graduation program ~ 6th grade graduation party ~ school projects ~ awards ceremonies ~ Jr. High fun run ~ Caroline's 12th birthday ~ Temple celebration rehearsals & performance ~ Tennis league begins ~ club meetings ~ school fundraisers ~ teacher appreciation ~ yard work ~ last day of school . . . .

. . . wish us luck!
Saturday, May 9, 2009
8 Things About Me . . .
OK, tag time - my friend Kathryn tagged me, so since these are always fun and if you're bored enough to actually read this, here goes . . .
8 Things I look forward to:
1. Being outside - whatever the activity
2. Time alone with Chris
3. Bedtime stories, songs, and silly kisses with the little girls
4. Connecting with friends
5. Listening to music on my i-pod while I do housework
6. Playing the piano when I have the house to myself
7. The last day of school and beginning of summer vacation!
8. The jetted tub at the end of a long day . . . candles, bath salts, steam, and the blinds open just enough to gaze up at the sky, stars, and mountains . . . AHHHH!!
8 Things I did yesterday:
1. Helped out at the annual "Fun Run" at the elementary school all morning.
2. Went to Sophie's 2nd grade class opera practice to play piano.
3. Worked in the yard for a couple of hours.
4. Cleaned the house with Ryan and Caroline in preparation of Chris' dad who is spending the weekend.
5. Received a little Mother's Day surprise in the mail from my mom - and hoping that she'll be happy with a phone call since I forgot to get anything in the mail early enough.
6. Met Kevin (Chris' brother) and the rest of the Cantera clan downtown for dinner to celebrate his graduation from the 'U' - Masters in History - way to go!
7. Found myself covered in throw-up on the drive home from said dinner (PF Changs - I'll leave the visuals up to my readers). Story: Liza said she wasn't feeling well, I had *thankfully* told my father-in-law to take the front seat, so I took her out of her seatbelt to cuddle with her and before we know it . . . . yep, disgusting. I think I've earned my stripes.
8. Enjoyed a BLISSFUL, long, relaxing, soak in the jetted tub after we had finally cleaned up the car, Liza, clothing, shoes, purse, phone, jewelry . . .
8 Things I wish I could do:
1. Rock climb well enough to have all the gear and actually know what I was doing.
2. Surf.
3. Follow through and finish projects I begin.
4. Write a book.
5. Be a wonderful gardener.
6. Stay organized.
8. Travel the world.
8 Shows I watch (amendment: I don't watch TV, really maybe once every 5 or 6 months . . . so, I'll write the last 8 movies or DVDs I watched):
1. Bolt
2. Twilight (dvd)
3. Slumdog Millionaire (dvd)
4. Mad Men (dvd) - ok, I guess this is tv :-).
5. Vicky Christina Barcelona (dvd)
6. No Country For Old Men (dvd)
7. Son of Rambow (dvd)
8. Meet the Parents (dvd)
8 people I want to know 8 things about
1. Jenna (because it's about time you put something on your blog!)
2. Joan
3. Michelle
4. Nancy
5. Kristin J. (I'm not letting you off the hook ;-)
6. Kristen R.
7. Brianna
8. Carrie
8 Things I look forward to:
1. Being outside - whatever the activity
2. Time alone with Chris
3. Bedtime stories, songs, and silly kisses with the little girls
4. Connecting with friends
5. Listening to music on my i-pod while I do housework
6. Playing the piano when I have the house to myself
7. The last day of school and beginning of summer vacation!
8. The jetted tub at the end of a long day . . . candles, bath salts, steam, and the blinds open just enough to gaze up at the sky, stars, and mountains . . . AHHHH!!
8 Things I did yesterday:
1. Helped out at the annual "Fun Run" at the elementary school all morning.
2. Went to Sophie's 2nd grade class opera practice to play piano.
3. Worked in the yard for a couple of hours.
4. Cleaned the house with Ryan and Caroline in preparation of Chris' dad who is spending the weekend.
5. Received a little Mother's Day surprise in the mail from my mom - and hoping that she'll be happy with a phone call since I forgot to get anything in the mail early enough.
6. Met Kevin (Chris' brother) and the rest of the Cantera clan downtown for dinner to celebrate his graduation from the 'U' - Masters in History - way to go!
7. Found myself covered in throw-up on the drive home from said dinner (PF Changs - I'll leave the visuals up to my readers). Story: Liza said she wasn't feeling well, I had *thankfully* told my father-in-law to take the front seat, so I took her out of her seatbelt to cuddle with her and before we know it . . . . yep, disgusting. I think I've earned my stripes.
8. Enjoyed a BLISSFUL, long, relaxing, soak in the jetted tub after we had finally cleaned up the car, Liza, clothing, shoes, purse, phone, jewelry . . .
8 Things I wish I could do:
1. Rock climb well enough to have all the gear and actually know what I was doing.
2. Surf.
3. Follow through and finish projects I begin.
4. Write a book.
5. Be a wonderful gardener.
6. Stay organized.
8. Travel the world.
8 Shows I watch (amendment: I don't watch TV, really maybe once every 5 or 6 months . . . so, I'll write the last 8 movies or DVDs I watched):
1. Bolt
2. Twilight (dvd)
3. Slumdog Millionaire (dvd)
4. Mad Men (dvd) - ok, I guess this is tv :-).
5. Vicky Christina Barcelona (dvd)
6. No Country For Old Men (dvd)
7. Son of Rambow (dvd)
8. Meet the Parents (dvd)
8 people I want to know 8 things about
1. Jenna (because it's about time you put something on your blog!)
2. Joan
3. Michelle
4. Nancy
5. Kristin J. (I'm not letting you off the hook ;-)
6. Kristen R.
7. Brianna
8. Carrie
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Liza's faith
The rest of us were immediately in hysterics, and the poor girl just could not understand why her prayer was so entertaining. The frustration of our reaction to her plea for divine assistance in finishing her meal was clearly written all over her face. Then, literally 3 minutes later, after she had inhaled her plate of spaghetti, she announced: "SEE . . . my prayer worked, I'm done . . . can I go back outside now?"
Monday, May 4, 2009
Now I really want to run another 1/2 and see what my time might be if I actually train for it beforehand. Who wants to meet me in Moab next march for their annual marathon - any takers?? It's much more fun when you run with friends :-).
Saturday, May 2, 2009
He's coming . . .
Everyone has their favorite artist whom they adore, collect all their albums, know every song by heart, as well as exactly which album in what year that song was recorded. For me, that songwriter is Jackson Browne. I have Chris to thank for introducing me to such an amazing talent, a poet whose lyrics and music speak directly to the heart and soul. Chris a long time fan and has even met JB in person, we've attended three of his concerts together, and this morning I was screaming in the phone when Chris called and told me Browne was coming to Deer Valley this summer and we were going - SWEET!
So, in celebration of one of the greatest singer/songwriters to ever grace the planet, enjoy a retrospective set to one of my favorite songs from his latest album Time the Conquerer . . .
So, in celebration of one of the greatest singer/songwriters to ever grace the planet, enjoy a retrospective set to one of my favorite songs from his latest album Time the Conquerer . . .
Friday, May 1, 2009
It's all about FAMILY
I thought I would share a video I put together for my family from last summer (oh, before you play the video, turn off the blog music :-). After spending a couple wonderful days up here in Oregon visiting Jenna, I realize how blessed I am to have such a great sister. It seem like just yesterday we were growing up under the same roof with our bedrooms right next door, and now here we are raising our own children and learning from life's ups and downs. To be honest, our relationship hasn't always been strong, but the last couple of years we've gradually become closer, and spending time up here with Jen's family is just what we needed to strengthen our bond even more.
Thanks Jen for inviting me to your home to spend the weekend . . . here's to making more memories together in the future!
Thanks Jen for inviting me to your home to spend the weekend . . . here's to making more memories together in the future!
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