That would be Ryan's and mine, on the 14th and 16th of April respectively. Ryan was the tiny, precious gift I brought home from the hospital on my birthday, Easter Sunday 1995, and here we are 15 years later, still sharing our favorite ice-cream cake.
Of course, I wasn't quick enough to get a picture of the two of us, but we did have our annual lunch together at Ryan's favorite spot, Himalayan Kitchen, where Surya (the owner) and staff wished him a happy 15th, and Ryan loved getting out of school for half the day :-).
Here are some pics of our little family celebration later that evening after his lacrosse game (which unfortunately just had to be Judge, so he didn't get a win for his birthday) . . .
Reading Sophie's card -
she wrote the sweetest card and couldn't wait to give him her gift.
she wrote the sweetest card and couldn't wait to give him her gift.
M O N E Y . . . that is all he wanted this year, so we hid $20 bills in some of his favorite junk foods and wrapped them up - fun!
Birthday love from the girls!
Getting ready to blow out 15 candles - Happy Birthday son!
FIFTEEN reasons why we love Ryan . . .
- You are extremely responsible. We never have to worry about you forgetting to do your homework or turn in assignments in school, and you always wake up to the alarm in the morning.
- You take an interest in our lives and ask questions . . . "How did Caroline do in her tennis match?" "Did you have fun with your friends at dinner?" "How was the movie with Dad?" . . .
- You mow the lawn and do your own laundry. Enough said.
- You take disappointments in stride and try again.
- You're a great leader and motivator.
- Your favorite class in school is seminary.
- You can finally out-ski your mom!
- You make a mean fruit smoothie and always have plenty to share.
- You are very easy to please and rarely ask for anything unnecessary.
- You have a tender heart.
- You love to tease your mom and sisters. My favorite: "I swear Mom - you're on drugs!"
- You are a good friend.
- You are dependable. I know when I give you a list of chores on Saturday, they all get finished. I know when I give you a time to be home, you honor our curfew and come home when asked.
- You love and honor your grandparents.
- You are unbelievably HANDSOME and get better looking every year!
Chris asked what I wanted to do for my birthday since he was going to take half the day off. I thought an afternoon session at the Salt Lake temple would be lovely. It was an absolutely beautiful day and the temple grounds were bursting with fresh, spring blooms at every turn. After our time in the temple, we walked around the grounds and couldn't believe that it's been over 18 years since our wedding day at that very place.
After checking in, relaxing, and letting it sink in that there were NO responsibilities, we headed to a fabulous dinner at Cucina which always includes a warm embrace and compliments from the eccentric owner, Valter. After dinner it was back to the hotel where we enjoyed an evening walk around the hotel courtyard and grounds, and time relaxing in the pool and spa . . . seriously, it's amazing how "away" you can feel just by leaving home, even if it is only 20 minutes away.

What a birthday, what a time to connect with my love, and what a perfect way to rejuvenate and recharge. I came back home a better mom and ready to take on my final year in the 30's with added resolve to make it an amazing year! Thanks Chris and family for making my 39th so special.