I was asked to speak on Modesty. Easy enough, but the more I pondered this topic, I came to the conclusion that modesty comprises much, much more than our dress. It's a lifestyle, it's at the core of our attitudes, our behavior, and especially our relationships with others and God. Truly it's the center of our character, as every one of us strives to live virtuous lives in a world that has increasingly become closer and closer to pornographic.
Before the meeting began I was enthusiastically greeting many old friends and neighbors from my old ward, and even bantering with some of the men that they weren't missing out on anything, since my topic of modesty wasn't for them. However, after wrapping up what turned out to be an amazing experience with the women of the ward, I thought it would have been nice to have the men there as well. My focus was not "what to wear or not to wear," we know what is appropriate, but rather how our actions, dress, and language reflect what is truly in our heart. Does our outward behavior reflect our inner beliefs - our commitment to always remember the Lord? Do the things we surround ourselves with daily reflect an attitude of "modesty" . . . not just in dress, but also music, internet use (including i-phone apps), television programs, our choice of language (not just swearing, but crude or inappropriate), and especially our accepting attitudes towards immodest dress and behavior.
After a lovely conference weekend I felt I would share what, right now has been on my mind. I've always expected the best of people, especially myself. I know at times I fall short, but after sharing my thoughts on modesty last week, I walked away with more determination to watch myself more carefully and be that light spoken of by Neal A. Maxwell. We cannot be that light unless we strive each day to remove ourselves from what has become acceptable behavior in the world.
I'll end with a quote from my talk by Robert D. Hales: “Modesty is at the center of being pure and chaste, both in thought and deed. Thus, because it guides and influences our thoughts, behavior, and decisions, modesty is at the core of our character.”
It was just as good the second time around!! And shorter... :-}
P.S. They were selling the black dress with the white trim at Costco, in Orem, last Saturday at a killer price!! It is one of those special promotions, but I think they will still be there this week...
Thank you for your thoughts on modesty. You said it so well- there is so much more to modesty than just what we wear.
sounds like a good talk Julie. Good job.
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